signs of candida overgrowth

Signs of Candida Overgrowth – A Guide for Women

Women often ask me how do I know if I have Candida overgrowth? Candida overgrowth is a common condition among women. It can most commonly be caused by an imbalance in your gut bacteria, leading to a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms. Identifying the signs of candida overgrowth can help you take steps to rebalance your body and restore your health. Here’s a look at five common symptoms of candida overgrowth that all women should be aware of.

signs of candida overgrowth
Signs of Candida Overgrowth - A Guide for Women 5

Digestive Upset – One of the most tell-tale signs of candida overgrowth is digestive upset. Digestive issues can include bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea. If you experience any unusual discomfort in your gut could indicate that something isn’t quite right with your digestive system.

Fatigue – Feeling exhausted always may also be a sign of candida overgrowth. If you’re eating healthy food and getting plenty of rest but still feeling drained, it could be worth looking into possible causes, such as this fungal imbalance in your gut flora.

Skin Issues – Skin problems are another symptom that can occur when you have too much candida in your body. These skin issues might include rashes, eczema, hives, psoriasis, or acne breakouts on the face and body that aren’t clearing with topical treatments alone.

Mood Swings – Candida overgrowth has been linked to mood swings and other mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, in some cases due to its effects on hormones like serotonin levels in the brain. If you struggle with low moods or shifts in energy levels without explanation, it could be related to an imbalance within your gut bacteria population caused by too much candida yeast growth.

Yeast Infections & Thrush – Recurring yeast infections or thrush are classic candida overgrowth syndrome (COS) symptoms. If you find yourself dealing with frequent yeast infections or thrush despite taking preventative measures like wearing breathable underwear or keeping things clean down there, this could be a sign that it’s time to address what may be happening inside your gut as well as outside!

Recognizing the signs of Candida overgrowth is essential for promoting optimal health and well-being among women today who may be dealing with the condition unknowingly due to its often subtle symptoms like fatigue and skin issues rather than more overt ones like yeast infections and thrush, which are more widely known indicators of COS (candida overgrowth syndrome). Knowing what to look out for can help you take steps toward restoring the balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria within your gut flora so that you feel great again!

To learn more about your symptoms, consider scheduling a free consultation by clicking here!

Or you can try my free 1-week, or 3-week candida reset to help guide you to clearing your symptoms!

Cheers to your health!

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